Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

Narrative text

Vector of a Cartoon Stinky Old Wise Man Sitting on a Hill - Coloring Page Outline by Ron Leishman

Arik Putra Koto

In the 18th century, Pegambiran Irving wrote a famous tale about a man named Arik Putra Koto. The first of the story, Arik drank a secret potion given to him by a wizard. Soon, Arik fell asleep under a tree and did not awake for 20 years.
When Arik finally woke up, everything seemed different. In fact, many things had changed. His begun was still next to him was completely a rusted. He found his house, but it was empty because his wife already passed away. Arik walked to the center of his village, but no one recognized him. That is partly because nobody saw him for over 20 years, and most of his friends was die or moved away from his village.
In addition, he looked quite different. His hair was much longer and very dirty. His beard was grow more than a foot. Also, his clothes almost disintegrated. Luckily, Arik found his nephew, who was now an adult, and finally he moved in with her family.

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